What we do

The IPCI has been actively engaged in a multitude of programmes. From the very broad overview of IPCI’s activities, it can be seen that the IPCI is playing a crucial role in building bridges across various faith groups in South Africa and beyond.

It is also a niche role that requires specialist organizational competencies which IPCI has developed over the last 50 years of its operations. We have a 50-year history and solid track record in respect of organizational structure, governance international footprint and reputational risk. Importantly, this history and track record indicates sustainable operations, prudent management, firmness of vision and consistency of purpose.

With your assistance, we will continue to:

  • Empower and strengthen communities through the promotion of moral values and principles.
  • Build bridges across faiths for greater understanding and social cohesion.
  • Present Islam in its pristine and original form to people of all faiths.

Projects Of The IPCI: